Your priorities for 2023

The mantra ‘listen, react, respond’ holds true, especially in today’s uncertain environment. Listen to your customer: your customer is talking to you, take time to hear them. They talk through purchases made - through what they buy, how they buy it, how they reach...

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How will AI influence the sector in 2023

If retail is a people business, how will AI influence the sector in 2023? Here’s are six ways, according to our trusted friend, Chat GPT: AI can be used to personalise the shopping experience for individual customers. For example, it can be used to recommend products...

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6 trends for 2023

Let’s highlight six trends, reflecting shopping polarisation, value for money, innovation, efficiency, ESG and people. 1.) Luxury and Discounters are faring better than mid-market 2.) Last year we saw a shift from Volume to Quality. That is continuing. 3.) Innovation...

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Why your data is KEY to boosting how your business performs

Is ‘knowledge’ really power, as the political philosopher Thomas Hobbes once wrote? After all, the more you learn, the more you discover you don’t know. At least that’s what Einstein thought. Psychologists have also found that knowing too much or possessing too much...

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How to make ecommerce pay better

It’s one hell of a treasure chest… One that is worth trillions of dollars worldwide. Did you know that 20.8% of retail purchases are expected to take place online in 2023? Forbes magazine predicts that total global sales will be $6.3 TRILLION – that’s up from $4.2...

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Growth in difficult times – trading through 2023

Now more than ever you need to listen up. As a multi-channel retailer, you have to wrestle with all manner of challenges. Your customers are constantly ‘talking’ to you, through what they buy, how they buy it. And this will be influenced both by what is going on in...

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Q4 review and the outlook for 2023

Insight Director, David Lockwood chaired a Retail Leaders Forum last week – an online discussion group of retail leaders sharing challenges and successes. Here are the key views, results and benchmarks – unattributed due to our Chatham House Rule. As ever there will...

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5 consideration areas for Black Friday success

Claire Odom, Client Strategy Director As another Black Friday approaches, once again, it’s embroiled in uncertainty as consumers return to physical stores, the cost-of-living crisis bites, and there’s a winter World Cup and strikes. All these factors make forecasting...

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